Military & Overseas Voters


The Federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and conforming state legislation cover voting rights for the following voters residing outside of their home county or overseas:

      - Active Duty members of the US Armed Forces, spouses and dependents

      - The Merchant Marine, spouses and dependents

      - US citizens residing overseas only

Flag and MilitaryUse Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register or update registration and request Vote by Mail ballots. Sources for the FPCA:

      - Available from Voting Assistance Officer

      - Federal Voting Assistance Program at

Use the Florida Voter Registration Application (FVRA) or online voter registration to Register or update registration. 

Military voters currently residing in their home county should use the FVRA. 

FVRA sources: 

    - All local libraries and Supervisor of Elections Offices



Online registration requires Florida Driver's license and last four Social Security Number. If no Florida license, application can be printed and mailed. 

Request Vote by Mail Ballots

Request Vote by Mail Ballots by mail, email, fax, phone or online at 

Click here to request a Vote by Mail ballot.
Click here to track the status of your Vote by Mail ballot.


Important for Overseas Voters: Your ballot must be received no later than 7:00 pm Election Night in a Primary Election;

and must be postmarked or dated no later than Election Day, and received no more than ten (10) days,

following a Presidential Preference Primary or General Election. 


General Information

  • Request your Vote by Mail Ballot as early as possible. Don't wait until the last few days before an election. 
  • Please include an email address in any correspondence/application.
  • Vote by Mail requests will be effective for all elections through the next regularly scheduled General Election.
  • Please update your mailing address so undeliverable ballots do not jeopardize your active voter registration status. 
  • Ballots can be delivered by mail, email or accessed online at Overseas voters may have ballots delivered by fax.
  • Ballots will be delivered at least 45 days prior to an election to voters with a request on file. 
  • Voters in the US must return ballots by mail or in person. The ballot must be received by 7pm on Election Day. 
  • Overseas voters may return ballots by mail or fax. FVAP may be able to help return a ballot by fax. Email them at The ballot must be received by 7 pm Election night for a Primary. For a Presidential Preference Primary or General Election, the ballot must be postmarked or dated no later than Election Day and received no more than ten (10) days following the election.

Do not return ballots by email!


To register to vote & request your Vote by Mail Ballot through the Federal Voter Assistance Program click here.





Federal Write-In Ballot

The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is a back-up or emergency ballot. Use the FWAB if you are outside your voting jurisdiction and did not receive your requested regular ballot. 

Before using the FWAB, please contact our office by email or phone and check ballot status.

The FWAB may be used to vote in all races and referenda on the current ballot.

The FWAB is available online through the following websites or from the Voting Assistance Officer. 

         -Federal Voting Assistance Program at

         -Overseas Vote Foundation at

State Write-In Ballot

No earlier than 180 days but not later than 90 days before a General Election, an overseas voter may request a state write-in vote by mail ballot. 

The voter shall state that due to military or other contingencies that preclude normal mail delivery, the voter cannot vote a regular vote by mail ballot during the normal vote by mail voting period. 

The ballot will contain only the candidate races. The voter must fill in the candidate names or the political party names. 

Please contact our office for details or alternatives to the State Write-In Ballot.. 

Late Registration

An individual or accompanying family member who is otherwise qualified and who after the book closing date for an election:

      -has been discharged or separated from the uniform services or Merchant Marine

      -has return from a military deployment or activation

      -has separated from employment outside the territorial limits of the US,

may register to vote until 5pm on the Friday before that election in the office of the Supervisor of Elections. Such persons must produce sufficient documentation showing evidence of qualifying for late registration. 


Main Office:

302 N Wilson St, Ste 102, Crestview, FL 32536-3474

Phone: (850) 689-5600 | Fax: (850) 689-5644
(M-F: 8am - 5pm)

Branch Office:

1250 Eglin Pkwy, Ste 103, Shalimar, FL 32579

Phone: (850) 651-7272
(M-F: 8am - 5pm)